Digital Culture

4 Gen Z Card Games to Play with Friends



Gaming has become a trendy pastime for millions of people around the world. However, despite new advancements in PC and console technology, card games are still popular. Statista reports that people from Gen Z showed the lowest levels of enjoyment when playing card games as opposed to millennials and baby boomers.

While this isn’t surprising, as many in the younger generation prefer to play online games like Among Us on their devices, the problem could lie in the fact that they just haven’t found something that appeals to them. With so many games being released today, it’s only a matter of time before they find one that they can enjoy with their friends. Here are some card games that will surely appeal to Gen Z’s taste and sense of humor:

Jungle Speed

An oldy but a goodie, Jungle Speed is a game that requires attention and, as its name suggests, speed. Here, players have to fight to be the first one to grab the totem if someone drops a card identical to theirs, or else they will have to take in all the ones in the discard pile. While there are also special cards, the rules remain relatively the same. If you are looking for something that will get your adrenaline pumping, then this is the game for you.


This is a new game that aims to eliminate players one by one. With BONC!, people are given five lives and a deck of cards. When a player drops a card identical to the one put down by the person on their right, that person loses a life. The lower the number, the fewer identical pieces there are of it in the deck. The goal is to eliminate– or “BONC!”– people one by one until a single winner stands. With a few wildcards mixed in, Gen Z players will enjoy this lively game with friends and family.


Gen Z-ers have a catalog of popular memes and quotes in their heads, making Incohearent a funny way to test their knowledge. Here, players are flashed a card with what looks like nonsense words strung together. If said correctly, they form an actual phrase. For example, “hike and even” will become “I can’t even.” These pop culture references will surely appeal to Gen Z and make them laugh as they try to figure out what each card is trying to spell out.

Joking Hazard

This game is quite similar to Cards Against Humanity. Players are tasked to fill in the blanks of a comic strip, and whoever has the funniest adlib wins. Created by Cyanide and Happiness, this is a raunchier game best suited for older members of the generation. Bringing in dark and dirty humor, Joking Hazard will be a blast to play with friends on a chill night in.

Other honorable mentions not listed in this article are Coup, Uno, and What Do You Meme. Choosing the right one to play can vary on whether you want something intense and will get your heart racing (like Jungle Speed and BONC!) or something more geared towards lighthearted fun (like Incohearent and Joking Hazard). But there’s no doubt that there surely is a card game out there for every member of Gen Z to enjoy.

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