The Social Dilemma, a documentary by Netflix, has been one of the most trending stories since its release in early September. This documentary exposes how big...
Like a Black Mirror superfan, I’ve come to develop a love for the show, as well as its message. Through visual representation, the Black mirror shows...
Overall, the Nintendo Switch has made a massive splash with consumers across the globe. With over 63,000,000 sales, it’s supposedly the most convenient game console to...
It’s usually not a surprise when celebrities and public personalities collaborate and work in conjunction with large brands. Mutually beneficial deals between influencers and companies frequently...
Talking about the Fyre Music Festival is one of my favorite pastimes. From the pure marketing genius to the controversial actions of Billy McFarland, the event...
Getting a verification badge on any social media platform has become the pinnacle of online success. When it comes to Instagram, verified accounts have a blue...
Nowadays, most youth culture revolves around your social media presence. For parents, navigating these areas can be a difficult task. To the outside eye, TikTok and...
Yeezys. You’ve seen them, I’ve seen them, we’ve all seen them. If you’ve ventured onto social media, you’ve likely had some encounters with the trendy articles...
First published in 1997, Harry Potter has become an instant classic for readers across the world. So, what makes the book (authored by J.K Rowling) so...
Quarantine. Boredom. These two words go together like ham and cheese, peanut butter and jelly, or whatever unorthodox food combination you indulge in. As we sit...