
How the “Basketball Bubble” Runs on Technology



Welcome to the Basketball Bubble.

De-Fense! De-Fense! This is what will be playing at the end of close games from the speakers during this NBA playoff season. Beep! The ding of a thermometer the basketball players are using to ensure their safety during this pandemic. All these noises and sudden sounds that you may hear are part of the NBA’s plan to use technology. Technology is all around, from helping connect the players to simple scrimmages, to bigger things such as letting them communicate from within the bubble. This is the NBA-Technology connection.

Technology has helped the game of basketball in many ways, the use of it is nothing new. Take analytics; layups, dunks, 3-balls. Technology made that. This time though, technology helps the external aspect of the NBA. With no fans in attendance, the players needed some new form of energy to get them going. Well, we can do that with technology! Huge screens and speakers were brought into the “Basketball Bubble” showing fake crowds and noises to make the teams more comfortable. Chants of “de-fense”  fill the small playing ground to make the players connect with the environment. It may not be perfectly normal, but it helps. While it may be pixelated, the energy is there. A small amount of pre-recorded noise can make all the difference in the quality of play. 

What about the health portion? We don’t want NBA players getting sick in a contained environment such as the bubble, so how do we avoid it? Technology! Players are mandated to log into an app every day to track their wellbeing. Afterwards, they use a Bluetooth enabled thermometer to get their temperature. The best part is, no other humans are involved. That is the power of technology, the connection to one of the greatest uses mankind ever made. Players can go play basketball without any worries they had prior to the event. That is technology at work.

The most important part of the NBA players in the bubble is their own coping. How do they do it? You guessed it, technology. You’ve got guys like Meyers Leonard and Gordon Hayward who are huge gamers in their free time. Players like Giannis Antetokounmpo or Russell Westbrook need to be able to communicate with their families in order to maintain their wellbeing. Technology is here for that. The ability to call someone right away or play with the outside world is right at your fingertips, the connection you can make, that is what technology does for the NBA players at this time. Having an outlet from within allows players to document their experiences, and hold on to what they love. 

Amidst this new phase we are going through, we seek one thing, a connection. So, here we are again. The NBA and its players have a problem, and Technology is at its side to help. Now that is a connection.

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