Unlike many of his other friends within the Irvine community, Rishi Padmanabhan loves to make devices work. For as long as he can remember, Rishi Padmanabhan’s...
Over the past few years, Charlie Ambrose has earned a personal network of over 700,000 social media followers. We had the chance to sit down with...
If you’ve been on the internet lately, you’ve likely heard about the NBA “bubble.” Alongside my friend Jake T. Davidson, I’ve been monitoring the bubble and...
We decided to interview Jake T. Davidson, a social media specialist. At the age of 17, the rising senior has reached millions of people through his...
If you’ve been following the NBA during this pandemic, you’ve likely noticed the virtual fans. Propped up on a large screen, around 300 people are given...
With the emergence of digital advertising, social media has evolved like never before leading to the birth of sites like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and more...
When looking at social media, most people tend to overlook the corporate potential. For 15-year-old Rowan Winch, however, that is not the case. While his peers...
The term artificial intelligence was first presented in 1956 at a conference at Dartmouth College where several scientists were discussing the possibility of creating beings that...
When talking about social media, a lot of people fail to see the immense opportunity for entrepreneurship. Throughout this piece, I’ll be outlining a few ways...
TikToks. We’ve all seen them. Whether it be a short dance, a viral video, or something that makes absolutely no sense, it’s clear that Tiktok is...