Digital Culture
The Effects of Social Media on the iGen (Generation Z)
Up until recently, social media hasn’t been a prominent force in society. All interaction was face to face, with no screens in sight. With the introduction of a virtual world, many services are now available online. Whether it be food, dating, or movies, it can all be found online.
Dr. Jean Twenge, an American psychologist, known for her book iGen, refers to Generation Z as iGen (similar to the “iPhone”) notes that the iGen were people born into the generation of smartphones, social media, and texting. One of their most significant cultural norms is social media. While social media has a multitude of benefits, iGen tend to experience the negative side of things. Using social media as a replacement for face-to-face interaction, iGen teenagers tend to be more prone to anxiety, depression, and a plethora of other effects.
According to multiple documented studies, namely a research project from HillHoliday, about 48% of Generation Z agree that social media makes them feel anxious or depressed. IGen citizens note the anxiety of being left out or missing out on certain life experiences. Social media does not help this case. On social media, people show their best side. This causes a culture of competition, which has people believing that they are intrinsically inferior.
Research shows that the time teens spend on social media has doubled since 2006. As Dr. Jean Twenge mentions, “87% of 12th-grade girls used social media sites almost everyday in 2015, compared to 77% of boys.” Social media is a daily habit, and teens go on their phones more often, giving them less time to experience the outside world.
However, the iGen’s personality plays a role in how it impacts their own mental health. According to an article in the Medical News Today by Lauren Sharkey, she states that “some young people might choose to use social media negatively as a comparison tool, while others may simply use it to stay in touch with friends.” Social media itself is not inherently bad. However, certain negative cultures have arisen from its presence.
Although social media itself can be harmful, there are many ways to make it less harmful. Placing a limit on social media can help combat adverse effects. It’s clear that iGen intends to continue using social media, but the impact it has on their lives will ultimately be up to them.